Crazy, Beautiful Hormones!
My all-new VERY researched and tested Crazy Beautiful Hormones program is my step-by-step approach that will help you restore health & balance to your little hormones.
During our 4 consultations {usually bi-weekly or monthly} together, you will receive the guidance and support you need to reach your health goals that come with balancing hormones, including:
- increased energy
- clear, glowing skin
- fewer cravings
- weight loss
- fewer headaches, muscle, or joint pains…
- mood balancing
- or yes even to reduce or LOSE those frustrating PMS or menopausal symptoms!
At the end of this 3-month program you will walk away with:
- An in-depth health & hormone analysis that pin-points what hormones are most out of whack for you {and ways to take charge of them again}
- Answers {and solutions!} to why you have those frustrating symptoms
- 4 hormone-balancing menu plans designed just for you
- Loads of new recipes
- Meal planning solutions to save you time, money & sanity!
- REALISTIC, delicious substitutions to some of our biggest health-robbing, hormone-messing foods
- A supervised detox {if you choose to} that includes recipes and loads of tips
- Innovative, yummy ways to sneak color and veggies into your family’s {and your own} meals
- My favorite 80/20 rule that allows you to feel better, but still live a real life
Crazy Beautiful Hormones is all about:
- Giving you answers to your big health questions.
- Making reaching your goals realistic. This is a lifestyle change, one step at a time, and I am on this journey with you.
- Fun! If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, you just won’t do it.
- YUMMY! Food needs to be good, and it needs to work for your life. I get that.
Want to know how this works? Great!
Either in a group setting or one on one {1:1}, Crazy Beautiful Hormones can change your health, your body & your life. Please email me if you would like to get started!
My 1:1 program is $329/ for our initial session (about 75 minutes) + 4 (45 minute) sessions, 4 meal plans designed just for you, and unlimited support via email between appointments.