PMS Rescue (Online Program)

You dread the mood swings, lethargy, weight gain, cramps, cravings and headaches that inevitably show up a week before your period is due (I’m not even going to bring up the anger that seems to come from some foreign person within you….).

You wish there was some magical remedy to alleviate your PMS but there just isn’t.  You are not alone.

Thirty-five million women share your PMS pain. The good news is that you don’t have to resort to prescription or over-the-counter drugs for PMS and you don’t have to put up with PMS, either.  Understanding why PMS occurs and learning ways to treat it will help you finally get rid of premenstrual syndrome for good. 


Yes, I just said you can GET RID OF PMS FOR GOOD!


PMS is not a disease or psychiatric condition (yes, it’s true – tell your partner – you really AREN’T crazy!), but a manifestation of a nutritional deficiency. PMS is a very healthy signal alerting women of a mineral imbalance. What you are eating, or not eating can make or break you when it comes to that time of the month.


On top of mineral imbalances, PMS is linked to liver and bowel congestion, and lack of exercise.  Hormonal imbalances are also a big factor and many times they involve excess estrogen, something I work with all of the time with my clients – it is MUCH more wide-spread than you might think.


And even better news – if you have PMS you have a much higher chance of dealing with menopausal symptoms.  Yeah, I know… just what you wanted to hear.  It’s time to change this now.


Great, now you know that PMS is linked to what you are eating, so now what?!


PMS Rescue is a 4-week program designed to give you the tools you need to take back control again.


Is PMS Rescue for me?

If you struggle with, or know someone who struggles with PMS, whether it is every month or a few times a year – this is for you.


How does PMS Rescue Work?

This is an online program – all you need is a computer, a phone, & a desire to kick PMS.


There will be 2 group phone calls* (you will be given a number to call in so you can listen in.  You don’t need to talk during it, but feel free to ask any questions that may come up).  The calls will be during the first and third weeks of the program.  During these 1-hour calls I will give you all the secrets & tools to life without PMS.  They may surprise you – no they most likely WILL surprise you!


After the calls you will have homework – don’t worry about it, it’s easy – AND delicious!  Each week brings new steps, new homework & new recipes.  We baby step, so don’t be afraid. 


You will also have a back-stage pass to a secure page on my website where all of your PMS rescue program material & tools can be found.


*If you can’t make the calls, no problem at all!  They will be recorded and you can listen to them at your leisure.


 What exactly does PMS Rescue look like?

During our first call we will be talking about what PMS is, why you get it and what good foods can help get rid of it. We will also chat about supplements & digestion do’s & dont’s for kicking PMS to the curb.


Week 1:

This is all about the food.  The good, the bad, and the ugly foods for PMS.  You will have access to my PMS Rescue Recipe box & learn how to use the good foods we talk about in the most deeeeelicious ways.


Week 2:

This is where we talk supplements.  I will give you a break-down of the best supplements to use, when to take them and what to look for.  I will also talk digestion.  This may sound strange, but this is where PMS starts.  Does your belly work for you, or against you, and what can you do about it.


Week 3:

Estrogen Dominance.  What is it?  And why does it matter to PMS?  Find out during our second call where I will give you some tools to help balance out this very important hormone.  Week 3 is all about your estrogen balance.


Week 4:

Moving Forward.  We will focus on ways to keep moving in the direction you have been going.  What can you keep doing, what can you change.  You will work to find YOUR balance that works for YOUR body.



How soon can I get started?

PMS Rescue will start on Monday, March 4th, but as soon as you register, you will receive a few steps you can get going with – giving you a bit of a head-start!


Other Details:

Cost:  $99 for the full program

Dates for program:  Monday, March 4th – April 1st

Dates for the calls: 

Monday, March 4th 6:30 pm Atlantic time (5:30 Eastern, 3:30 Mountain etc)

Monday, March 18th 6:30 pm Atlantic time


Facebook Group:

We will have a group facebook page for anyone who wants to join in.  This is a private page for you to ask me any questions, share recipes, ideas, tips – anything that comes up during these 4 weeks together.


It’s always amazing to the women I work with that come to me and say “It actually snuck up on me this month – I had NO symptoms at all!”  🙂


Register Here – don’t miss out as I can only take a very limited number of women to make sure everyone gets the attention they deserve.


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