Green Me Up For St. Patrick’s Day!

By Marie | June 14, 2012

I can’t think of a better day than today to increase your greens.  What exactly are classified as leafy greens?  All of these delicious foods: Spinach Kale Swiss Chards Collard Greens Arugula Romaine Mixed Green Lettuce Broccoli GREENING up your diet will not only help increase your energy, clear up your skin & give you…


Yummy Yummy Apples!

By Marie | June 14, 2012

Mmmmm Mmmm Apples! Fall is a beautiful time of the year – one of my favorite {although I’m not a fan of the cold weather it brings after!}. I love the colors, the smells, the crunchy sound the leaves make, and the excitement my kids get when they realize they can jump into that huge…


Eat Healthy While You Travel!

By Marie | June 14, 2012

With any healthy diet plan, think of preparation ahead of time. I promise you it will be worth it – for your health, your diet, and your waistline! I suggest to my clients that when following a healthy eating plan focus what you are eating, rather than what you are avoiding, even when you are…


Quinoa is Delicious

By Marie | June 14, 2012

Delicious Quinoa Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is an ancient grain from South America. It is not only high in protein, but is a ‘complete protein’ which means it contains all 9 essential amino acids our body needs. It can be used in any recipe in which you would use rice, and can be served hot, or…


Soup’s On

By Marie | June 14, 2012

I love soup.  Those days when you just need warmth & comfort – perfect soup days!  There are so many reasons I talk soup up to my clients – in particular homemade soups.  Making your own soup makes sure you know what is in it – or more importantly what ISN’T in it!  Canned soup…


Pumpkins…More than just Jack-O-Lanterns

By Marie | December 28, 2011

Autumn is a beatiful time of the year – I love the colors, the smell of the leaves and the crunch as you walk through them.  I love going for long walks or drives and enjoying all of this beauty! Autumn also brings along one of my oldest daughter’s favorite veggies – pumpkins {ok, the ‘favorite’…