Banana Chocolate Chip Super-Muffins!

By Marie | May 2, 2014

My 17- month-old LOVES muffins.  Every day she is asking ‘muffy, muffy?’ as she gives me her big beautiful irresistible smile.  🙂 I have tried many ‘muffy’ recipes for her, but this one seems to be her favorite right now.  And why wouldn’t it be?  Bananas.  Chocolate chips.  Hemp seeds.  Chia seeds…. what’s not to…


Quinoa Pancakes!

By Marie | March 4, 2014

It’s Shrove Tuesday again! My family loves pancakes.  For breakfast.  For lunch.  But especially for supper!  What better excuse to have them then Pancake Tuesday, right?! Here is one of our favorites – high in protein, fiber & your jelly-belly-blasting B-vitamins these quinoa pancakes will not disappoint.  You can even add a few dark chocolate…


Valentines Week – Day 4!

By Marie | February 14, 2014

Today’s recipe is another favorite of mine – it feels like a true indulgence.  Just be warned – you may want to eat all of it, so hide it in the back of the freezer, or practice some self control.  🙂   Easy Love-Your-Valentine Chocolate  1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature 1/2 cup almond, peanut…


Valentines Week – Day 3!

By Marie | February 13, 2014

Today’s chocolate recipe – Vegan Valentine Chocolate Smoothie. This is a delicious, easy, post-workout snack or breakfast –  add the almonds/almond butter for an extra boost of protein. Makes: 1 smoothie Vegan Valentine Chocolate Smoothie Ingredients 1/2 – 3/4 cup  coconut milk (to desired thickness) ¼ cup rolled oats 1 heaping tsp ground flax seed…


Valentines Week – Day 2

By Marie | February 12, 2014

Today’s chocolate recipe is so good (and good for you) that you could even have it for breakfast – with a delicious smoothie on the side. The quinoa makes it high in protein to help fight off cravings, there is coconut sugar in it – one of my top picks to replace refined sugar, and…


Valentines Day Means Chocolate!

By Marie | February 10, 2014

It’s Valentines Day this week, and that means chocolate is up on the blog.  As most of you already know, I   L O V E  chocolate, so this is a big week for me.  🙂 Each day I will post a new, delicious chocolate recipe for you to try.  Share it with your honey,…


It’s A Dangerous Time For A Sweet Tooth!

By Marie | October 28, 2013

    Halloween is such a fun time for the kids, and for the adults who think like kids – you know you are out there!  Spooky costumes, scary movies, fun parties, oh and of course the TREATS! We are definitely entering into dangerous territory for all of us healthy eaters who might JUST happen…


Start Detoxing with a Green Smoothie!

By Marie | April 17, 2013

It’s Springtime, YAY!   The sun is finally coming out from behind the clouds, the air feels warmer, and I actually saw some green grass & purple buds of a flower coming up this week. It’s a wonderful time to let go of some of the habits that have crept in over the winter &…


Brussels Sprouts – One Of The Most Hated Veggies?

By Marie | March 17, 2013

Day 4 as we count green veggies on our way to St. Patty’s Day tomorrow is Brussels Sprouts! Brussels Sprouts – I’m sure there are many of you out there cringing just reading the name. As kids you rarely love them, as adults you rarely love them – but you should!  They really are one…



By Marie | March 16, 2013

GREEN day #3 is Pesto!             Some people don’t know what pesto is.  Let me tell you – it is D E L I C I O U S, and one of my most favorite green foods! There are literally dozens of different pesto recipes using a variety of different…